The Sama Al-Badr Association is a non-governmental organization that has been working in the field of development and humanitarian aid since 2021, in accordance with the laws regulating the non-profit sector in the state of Madagascar.


Sama Al-Badr charity for humanitarian work in Madagascar

The Sama Al-Badr Association is a non-governmental organization that has been working in the field of development and humanitarian aid since 2021, in accordance with the laws regulating the non-profit sector in the state of Madagascar.

The Sama Al-Badr Charitable Association was established as an institutional expression of a civil will that derives its foundations from the values, principles, and cultural and civilizational heritage of Malagasy society in order to do good and participate in the series of international solidarity effectively and efficiently in addressing the most important humanitarian and development challenges faced by poor and needy peoples around the world.

Our Services

What are we doing ?

Sama Al-Badr Charity works to provide assistance in the development and humanitarian fields and adopts an integrated and multi-sectoral approach, given the complex and interrelated nature of the development and humanitarian work sectors.

Water and sanitation
One out of every ten people in the world does not have access to clean water, and therefore the death rate due to water pollution exceeds other causes, including wars and conflicts.
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Economic Empowerment
To achieve local development, promote self-reliance and discover available opportunities, we focus on sustainable productive projects that belong to the poor and transform them from needy to producers.
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Social Welfare & Education
Shelter and infrastructure projects such as electricity, water and sanitation respond to the problems of poor residential communities, slums and humanitarian refugee crises to limit the spread of epidemics and crimes.
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Sama Al-Badr Charity

Sama Al-Badr Charity works to achieve its mission on five main levels:

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Founder of Sama Al Bader

Abdul Hamid Abdul Salam Abdul Jalil Abdul Rahman
Founder of Sama Al Bader

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